At the CTSI Research Conference on September 12, 2012, Dr. Betsy Seaquist was honored as the first recipient of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute Mentor of the Year.
Dr. Seaquist is Professor of Medicine and holds the Pennock Family Chair in Diabetes Research. Her research focuses on the effect of diabetes on brain metabolism, structure and function. Dr. Seaquist directs the University of Minnesota site for the ACCORD (Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes) Trial and is Principal Investigator on an NIH training grant for fellows in endocrinology and diabetes. She was recently elected Vice President of the American Diabetes Association. Dr. Seaquist received her BA from Vassar College and completed her medical training, including residency and fellowship, at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Seaquist has trained scores of students, residents, and fellows. She has been the primary mentor for two K23 scholars, both of whom remain in academic medicine. She is the primary mentor for two current KL2 scholars (Drs. Silvia Mangia and Amir Moheet), and serves on the committee supervising K23 recipient Dr. Melena Bellin.
Dr. Seaquist's nominations were full of praise and admiration for her work as a mentor.
Join us in congratulating Dr. Seaquist!
About the CTSI Mentor of the Year Award
Mentor of the Year candidates are nominated by a CTSI mentee with supporting letters from a former mentee and a faculty colleague. Award selection criteria include assistance with guidance in research, interpersonal and motivational skills, promotion and career development, and mentor training record and NIH biosketch.