Clinical Translational Research Services (CTRS)

Doctor and staff in a meeting

We're dedicated to improving the quality and efficiency of research. 

CTSI's Clinical Translational Research Services team does this by serving University of Minnesota teams, and pursuing innovative ways to improve the clinical research process.

Diagram of how CRSC supports researchers via recruitment, regulatory, biostats, feasibility, and budgeting

In addition, we work closely with other groups from CTSI and the University that serve researchers. Researchers receive this expert support through the Clinical Research Support Center.

More services for researchers

Contributing to the national CTSA network

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We contribute to and collaborate with the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) consortium through:

Expanding recruitment opportunities to accelerate accrual

StudyFinder homepage screenshot

StudyFinder gives Minnesotans an easier way to find clinical trials and other health research studies at the University of Minnesota.


Training investigators and study staff

Through high-quality training, our Translational Workforce Development (TWD) team aims to improve the efficiency, quality, and ethics of research. We have training programs and continuing education opportunities for:

  • Research coordinators
  • Research nurses
  • PIs
  • Project managers
  • Regulatory experts
  • Other study team members involved in health research

Impact: Clinical Research Support Center

Niloufar Hadidi
Blood samples
Magnetic resonance scan of the brain
clinical research illustration
An investigator with a stethoscope around her neck uses a laptop.

Pilot grant awardees

Our since-retired CTRS Pilot Funding Program has helped a wide range of University of Minnesota faculty prepare and implement prospective clinical pilot studies.

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Meredith Gunlicks-Stoessel, PhD, LP | $50,000

Medical School, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Project title: A pilot study of a parenting intervention for parents of adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury

Alexander Khoruts, MD | $50,000

Medical School, Department of  Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Project title: Dietary optimization of microbiome recovery following fecal microbiota transplantation



Anne Blaes, MD | $50,000

Medical School, Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation

Project title: Use of topical cannabinoids for treatment of aromatase inhibitor-associated musculoskeletal syndrome (AIMSS) in women with hormone receptor-positive breast cancer (CanAroma): A pilot and feasibility study

Amy Gross, PhD, LP, BCBA | $50,000

Medical School, Department of Pediatrics

Project title: Piloting a family-based intervention of time restricted eating to treat obesity



Sarah Hoffman, PhD | $50,000

School of Nursing, Population Health and Systems Cooperative 

Project title: A family-based mindfulness-based intervention to address intergenerational trauma in war-affected families

Stephanie Misono, MD, MPH | $50,000

Medical School, Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Project title: Vibrotactile stimulation of the larynx to treat unexplained chronic cough



Amy Krentzman, PhD | $75,000

School of Social Work, College of Education and Human Development

Project title: A Randomized Control Trial to Test Feasibility, Acceptability, and Impact of a Novel Behavioral Intervention (Positive Peer Journaling, PPJ) to Support Recovery From Addiction

Ann Van de Winckel, PhD, MSPT, PT | $75,000

Medical School, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Project title: Feasibility of identifying brain mechanisms of Qigong and behavioral outcomes after Qigong practice in people with chronic low back pain



Kathryn Cullen, MD | $75,000

Associate Professor and Division Chief, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry

Project title: Mindful Breathing and Neuromodulation for Depression in Young People 

Armin Rashidi, MD, PhD | $75,000

Assistant Professor, Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation, Department of Medicine

Project title:  A pilot study of activated charcoal in healthy volunteers


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