Internal Advisory Board
The Internal Advisory Board (IAB) provides direction and support for programs from CTSI-Ed, CTSI’s Research Education, Training and Career Development function.
Members guide programs, review applications for faculty career development awards, and assist with scholars’ annual reviews.
Internal Advisory Board members
- Mustafa al'Absi, PhD, Behavioral Medicine
- Grant Anderson, PhD, College of Pharmacy (Duluth campus)
- Tim Beebe, PhD, Health Policy and Management
- Benjamin Clarke, PhD, Medical School (Duluth Campus)
- John Connett, PhD, Biostatistics
- Massimo Costalonga, PhD, DMD, Developmental and Surgical Sciences, School of Dentistry
- Adams Dudley, MD, MBA, Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical care and Sleep Medicine
- Steven Fu, MD, MSCE, Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Health Care System
- Kamakshi Lakshminarayan, MBBS, PhD, MS, Epidemiology and Community Health
- Russell Luepker, MD, Epidemiology
- Siobhan McMahon, PHD, RN, School of Nursing
- Ana Núñez, MD, FACP, Geriatrics, Palliative and Primary Care
- Brenda Ogle, PhD, Biomedical Engineering
- Ned Patterson, DVM, PhD, College of Veterinary Medicine
- Mark Schleiss, MD, Pediatrics
- Bharat Thyagarajan, MD, PhD, MPH, Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- Christine Wendt, MD, Minneapolis VA Health Care System
- Susan Wolf, JD, Law School
- Beshay Zordoky, MSc, PhD, Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
T32/TRDP Board Members
- Jeff Bishop, PharmD, Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
- Katie Cullen, MD, Psychiatry
- Jesse Kowalski, PhD, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Medical School
- Silvia Mangia, PhD, Department of Radiology
- Kim Mansky, PhD, Dentistry
- Warren McKinney, PhD, Nephrology, Transplantation, and Health Disparities, Hennepin Healthcare Research Institute
- Ned Patterson, DVM, PhD, Veterinary Medicine
- Timothy Piehler, PhD, Family Social Science, College of Education and Human Development
- Jean Regal, PhD, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Medical School (Duluth campus)
- Alexander Rothman, PhD, Psychology, College of Liberal Arts
- Nancy Sherwood, PhD, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Renee Sieving, PhD, RN, FAAN, FSAHM, Pediatrics, School of Nursing
- Narendra Simha, PhD, Distinguished Scientist, Medtronic Corporation