Biostatistical Support
The Biostatistical Design and Analysis Center (BDAC) provides statistical and data management support, from study design to final analysis and publication of results.
The Masonic Cancer Center (MCC) Biostat Core is integrated into BDAC, and the two domains work together as an integrated team.
BDAC support and collaboration
Requests for support must be submitted 30 days or more before any project deadlines (e.g., the internal due date for a grant application or the abstract submission due date).
Consult with an expert
To schedule a consultation with one of our statisticians, contact:
Melissa Hansen
Research Navigator
[email protected]
612-625-CTSI (2874)
Office hours
Office hours are currently being held virtually. To access, contact the Clinical Research Support Center (CRSC):
[email protected]
Tuesdays: 1pm-3pm
Thursdays: 10am-12pm
For MCC members
Mondays: 4pm-5pm
Wednesdays: 10am-11am
Funding BDAC support and collaboration
There are three methods available for funding BDAC support:
Personnel are written into a grant
Projects may be funded by writing personnel from BDAC or the MCC Biostat Core into a grant for reasonable levels of support.
When BDAC personnel are written into a grant for salary support, the Principal Investigator must include CTSI representatives as approvers on the Proposal Routing Forms (PRFs). The PRF routing chain should include:
- Pat Mann (Dept. Head/Delegate): [email protected]
- Beth Nunnally (Research Dean/Delegate): [email protected]
Additionally, when the assigned statistician is also a faculty member in the School of Public Health (Ann Brearley, John Connett, Weihua Guan, Benjamin Langworthy, Kyle Rudser, David Vock), please contact Linda Zenner at [email protected] for information about the PRF routing chain.
For the MCC Biostat Core, the PRF routing chain for staff includes Doug Yee at [email protected] and Andrea Johnson at [email protected]. When the assigned statistician is also a faculty member, please contact Linda Zenner at [email protected] in addition to Dr. Yee and Andrea Johnson.
Departmental funding
Another method is for departments to provide funding for ongoing statistical support of projects.
Departments with funding for BDAC support
- School of Dentistry
- Department of Dermatology
- Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Neurosciences
- Department of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Otolaryngology
- Department of Pediatrics
- College of Pharmacy
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Surgery–Transplantation Division
Departments with funding for the MCC Biostatistics Core
- Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- Gynecologic Oncology
- Radiation Oncology
Hourly rates
Hourly rates are billed monthly for projects without grant funding or for grants that do not include support for BDAC personnel. For non-U of M clients, rates are negotiated separately.
Current Internal Rates
Research Assistant, $62.00
Statistician/Programmer, $103.00
Faculty, $125.00
Current External Rates
Research Assistant, NA
Statistician/Programmer, $200.00
Faculty, $200.00
Current Community Partner Rates
Research Assistant, $78.00
Statistician/Programmer, $130.00
Faculty, $156.00