Rural Collective Members

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Directory by last name

A - B
Ryan Allen, PhD

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Humphrey School of Public Affairs-Urban and Regional Planning
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Affordable housing, immigration

Grant Anderson, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 education

Lynda Lahti Anderson, PhD, MPH

Researcher VI 
[email protected]
Institute on Community Integration
College of Education and Human Development
Twin Cities
Research interests: Disability health, family support

Holli Arp

Program Leader - Leadership and Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Leadership and civic engagement

Kelly Asche

Adjunct Faculty; Senior Researcher at Center for Rural Policy and Development
[email protected]
Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Twin Cities
Research interests: workforce and jobs, healthcare, demographics, migration

Arianne Baldomero, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Medical School-Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Twin Cities 
Research interests: Lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Susannah Bartlow, PhD

Community Outreach and Engagement Manager
[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Cancer clinical research

David Beard, PhD

Professor of Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences-English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies
Research interests: Health Humanities

Ethan Beltrand

Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Pediatric Critical Care
Research interests: Rural EMS, emergency medicine, and access to care

Katie Benziger, MD, MPH

[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease prevention

Karen Beranek

Regional Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Youth Development
Research interests: Positive youth development

Keri Bergeson, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Physician workforce

Heather Blue, PharmD, BCPS

Associate Professor/Clinical pharmacist
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Pharmacy practice and emergency medicine services

Kristin Boman, MPH

Practice Based Research Network Manager
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Primary Care

Zobeida Bonilla, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Epidemiology and Community Health; Maternal and Child Health
Research interests: Links to Title V and workforce development in maternal and child health

David Brauer, MD, MPHS

Assistant Professor of Surgery
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Surgery
Research interests: Patient access to specialty cancer care, particularly complex surgical care

Clara Busse, PhD, MPH

Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health

C - E
Caitlin Carroll, PhD 

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Hospitals

Dana Carroll, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Commercial tobacco prevention and control

Keri Cavitt

Regional Director for the Extension Office in Cloquet and Grand Rapids
[email protected]
Extension: Regional Office Cloquet
Research interests: Community connections

Tonya Connor

Research Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Health equity, increasing COVID-19 and Influenza vaccine uptake, and health literacy

Nikki Crowe

Regional Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Food in tribal communities in Minnesota

Sara Croymans

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Department of Family, Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Financial capability, tenant education, and disaster preparedness

Kirsten Cruikshank, MSW

Community Based Researcher
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School-Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team CERDAR Project
Research interests: Dementia and aging

Kristina D'Allaird, MA

Executive Associate
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy- Department of Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Pharmacist placement, recruiting, and training

Aubree Derksen

Extension Educator-Family Resiliency
[email protected]
Extension: Family, Health, and Well-being
Research interests: Migrant worker mental health and rental education

Brenna Doheny, PhD, MPH

Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Community engaged research, social and environmental determinants of health

Rebecca Dosch Brown, MFA

Interdisciplinary Education Director
[email protected]
MN LEND; Institute on Community Integration
Twin Cities
Research interests: neurodevelopmental disabilities, health equity, intersectionality of race/disability in youth mental health policy, and increasing MCH workforce across rural MN

Frank Douma, JD, MA

[email protected]
Institute for Urban and Regional Transportation Finance
Twin Cities: Humphrey School of Public Affairs- Urban and Regional Planning, Public Policy
Research interests: Transportation law and planning, economic development, and equity

Kathy Draeger, PhD, MS

Statewide Director
[email protected]
Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Extension: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Sciences-Agronomy and Plant Genetics
Research interests: Community-driven efforts in sustainable development

Lester Drewes, PhD

[email protected]
Brain Barriers Research Center
Duluth: Medical School-Biomedical Sciences
Research interests: Research on brain health and disease

R. Adams Dudley, MD, MBA

Professor of Medicine, Public Health, and Informatics
[email protected]
Medical School and School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Social determinants of health and COPD

Cassie Edlund, MPH

Senior Communications Manager and Evaluation Specialist
[email protected]
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Health equity, holistic health, community health, population health, and social determinants of health

F - H
Beth Fait, PhD, MEd, MHA

Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Mental health, especially with marginalized populations

Joel Farley, PhD 

[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems
Twin Cities
Research interests: Pharmacy service delivery

Joshua Fergen, PhD

Senior Research Associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Alzheimer's, dementia, and quality of life

Teresa Fong, DDS

Pediatric Dentist
[email protected]
School of Dentistry-Pediatric Dentistry
Twin Cities
Research interests: Oral health care and education

Alyssa Fritz, MPH, RD, CLC

Research and Policy Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal and child health, health policy, social determinants of health

Linda Bane Frizzell, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Environment
Twin Cities
Research interests: American Indians and nutrition

Kyle Gill, MS

Director of Operations and Land Stewardship
[email protected]
Cloquet Forestry Center and Hubachek Wilderness Research Center
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences
Research interests: Ecocultural community health and vitality

Liz Goetz

SNAP-Ed Educator-Crow Wing County
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health and Wellbeing
Research interests: Food access

Abby Gold, PhD, MPH, RD

Program Leader
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Research interests: Food access and health equity

Abbey Guggisberg

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development, Leadership & Civic Engagement
Research interests: Community engagement and intergenerational communities

Allison Gustavson, DPT, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Medical School-Physical Therapy
Twin Cities
Research interests: Access to health care 

Keri Hager, PharmD, BCACP 

Professor and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Health care and care delivery, pharmacy services, and comprehensive medication management

Anthony Hanson, PhD

Assistant Extension Professor & Regional Educator - Integrated Pest Management
[email protected]
Extension: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Research interests: Pesticide use and safety and field crops pest management

Madeline Harms, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Education and Human Services Professions-Psychology
Research interests: Effects of rural life on youth cognitive and social development

Melissa Harry, PhD, MSW

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Center for Learning Health Systems
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Health equity, behavioral health, participatory research, dissemination and implementation science, trauma

Amanda Hayward, PhD

Research Development Manager
[email protected]
Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Twin Cities: Medical School- CIP MTA/Dean's Office
Research interests: Trauma care

Leah Henke, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health (OBGYN)
Research interests: Rural women’s health care 

Carrie Henning-Smith, PhD, MSW, MPH 

Associate Professor and Co-Director
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities : School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Health equity, structural determinants of health, older adults, social connectedness, health policy

Mary Holz-Clause, PhD

[email protected]
Crookston: Administration
Research interests: Healthy food access, food deserts and locally grown food 

Jody Horntvedt

Extension Educator, Leadership & Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Building the leadership and civic engagement capacity of rural leaders to lead in their communities

Megan Hruby

SNAP-Ed Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Family Development, Health and Nutrition Programs
Research interests: Food access for people with low income

Amna Hussein, MBS

Community Outreach and Engagement Manager
[email protected]
Masonic Cancer Center
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center- Office of Community Outreach and Engagement
Research interests: Cancer awareness and prevention

I - K
Julia Interrante, PhD, MPH

Research Fellow/Statistical Lead
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health, health policy, health equity and access to care

Kristen Jacklin, PhD

Professor and Associate Director
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Aging, dementia, indigenous and rural, and culture

Ingrid Jacobson, MPH

[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Aging, social determinants of health, infectious diseases in rural areas, disability policy

Elliot James, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Small Towns
Morris: Division of Social Science-History
Research interests: Accessibility, equity, and transportation

Stephen Jeanetta

Associate Dean, Department of Community Development
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Community development, community change, and the demography of rural areas

Patricia Jewett, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health- Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Injury prevention, firearm injuries, suicide prevention, social determinants of health, and cancer

Mahrya Johnson, MBA, CCRP

Operations Director, Clinical Translational Research Services (CTRS)
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Research interests: Building access to research by expanding sustained relationships with physicians, clinics, and hospitals in Greater 

Marie Johnson, PhD

Adjunct Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Pediatric asthma

Mary Jo Katras, PhD

Program Leader
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Research interests: Family resiliency

Kaitlyn Kenow, RN

Registered Nurse
[email protected]
Masonic Cancer Center
Twin Cities: Clinical Trials Office
Research interests: Cancer and improving access and resources to clinical trials for rural Minnesotans 

Dana Ketcher, PhD, MPH

Senior research associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Health and dementia

Ann Kirby

Director of Partnerships and Outreach
[email protected]
Forever Green
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Sciences-Agronomy
Research interests: Adoption of continuous living cover crops to improve soil health and water quality, benefits human and animal health and creates new economic opportunities for farmers.

Chelsey Kirkland, PhD, MPH, CHW

[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Governmental public health workforce and community health workers 

Amanda Klein, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Opioids

Len Kne

[email protected]
Twin Cities: Research & Innovation Office- Research Computing
Research interests: Spatial data, visualization, analysis, and spatial thinking

Angelica Koch, PhD

Assistant Director
[email protected]
Community Engagement to Advance Research and Community Health (CEARCH)
Twin Cities: Office of Academic Clinical Affairs-Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
Research interests: Community engagement research

Eydie Kramer-Kostecka, PhD

Research Professional
[email protected]
Twin Cities:  School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Physical activity interventions for youth and families, equity and inclusion (eg., rural and other underserved populations), geospatial analyses of physical activity environments, park- and pool-based programs

Katy Backes Kozhimannil, PhD, MPA

Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Director
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health policy and maternal health

Emily Krekelberg

Extension Educator, Farm Safety & Health
[email protected]
Extension: Agricultural and Natural Resource Systems
Research interests: Farm mental health, wellness in agriculture, youth safety

Emily Kringle, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Education and Human Development-Kinesiology
Research interests: Stroke rehabilitation, physical activity, sedentary behavior, social support, telehealth

L - M
Beth Labenz

Outreach Specialist, Southwest
[email protected]
Extension: Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Research interests: Food access, sustainability and community engagement in rural communities

Megan Lahr, MPH

Senior Research Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health care, aging in rural communities, and rural hospitals

Kamakshi Lakshminarayan, PhD, MBBS, MS

Associate Professor
[email protected] 
School of Public Health-EpiCH and Medical School-Neurology
Twin Cities
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease and brain health

June La Valleur, MD

Associate Professor, retired
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-OB/GYN
Research interests: Rural advocacy and women’s and sexual health

JP Leider, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Public health workforce, systems, and finance

Annie Lin, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Hormel Institute
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences
Research interests: Diet quality, food and nutrition insecurity, digital technology, cancer prevention and survivorship

Neil Linscheid, MPP

Extension State Specialist, Entrepreneurship
[email protected]
Extension: Community development
Research interests: Community entrepreneurship development

Meg Little, EdD, RN, BC-NC

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Research and teaching

Lacey Loomer, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Business-Economics and Health Care Management
Research interests: Post-acute care

Hannah MacDougall, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Social Work
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health equity and nonprofit hospital community benefits

Argie Manolis, MFA

Director of Civic Learning and Engagement
[email protected]
Center for Small Towns; Center for Community Partnerships
Research interests: Community-engaged research

Briana Matrious

Tribal Community Facilitator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health and Wellbeing
Research interests: Tribal community technical assistance around historical/intergenerational trauma healing

Teresa McCarthy, MD, MS

Associate Professor
[email protected]
MN Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family and Internal Medicine
Research interests: Geriatrics, dementia, and long-term care/nursing homes

Cathy McCarty, PhD, MPH 

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Center for Bioethics
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Community-engaged research

Susan McKernan, DMD, PhD, MS

Associate Professor, Dental Public Health
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Dentistry-Primary Dental Care
Research interests: Dental workforce

Robin Michaels, PhD

Associate Dean of Student Life
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Biomedical Science
Research interests: Training doctors to serve rural and indigenous communities

Megan Moe

Clinical Research and Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Hormel Institute-Community Outreach and Education
Research interests: Cancer research

Rajean Moone, PhD

Faculty Director - LTC Administration
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Continuing and Professional Studies-Undergrad Education
Research interests: Aging and long term care

Ira Moscovice, PhD 

Mayo Professor
[email protected]
Flex Monitoring Team
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Quality 

N - O
Peter Nalin, MD, MBA ,CPE

Associate Dean for Rural Medicine; Professor and Department Head
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Regional medical education, rural residency tracks, and rural recruitment and retention

Sue Nankivell

Director of Business Development and Community Relations
[email protected]
Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing
Twin Cities: Health Sciences
Research interests: Providing free and accessibly priced virtual and online programming and resources supporting whole-person health and wellbeing

Guillermo Narváez

Extension Educator - Leadership & Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Leadership and Civic Engagement
Research interests: Latiné community experiences in Greater Minnesota

Hannah Neprash, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Workforce and quality of care

Sayeh Nikpay, PhD 

Associate Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Access to acute care/emergency care in rural communities, rural hospital transfer networks, and rural emergency medical services

Kaiya Novacek

4-H Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension (Kittson County): Center for Youth Development
Research interests: Youth development and education through school/community programming and the county fair

Kevan O’Hanlon, MPH

Research Coordinator
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health, health policy, and access to care

Olihe Okoro, PhD, MPH, MPharm

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Health

Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, FAAP

Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
[email protected]
Medical Education Outcomes Center
Twin Cities: Medical School-Medicine and Pediatrics
Research interests: Educational determinants to the rural health workforce

Anthony Olson, PhD, PharmD, MEd

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Community-integrated care, health-related social needs, and person-centered pharmacy practice in rural communities

Patricia Olson

Associate Dean and Department Head
[email protected]
Extension: Family, Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Working with limited-income communities to support their health and wellbeing

Veronica Olson

Program / Project Specialist
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural clinical experiences for medical students

Emily Onello, MD

Associate Professor 
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural family medicine physician workforce development, rural medical education, environmental health, vaccine hesitancy, rural and tribal local food systems, physical health benefits of wild rice

Kristin Osiecki, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Center for Learning Innovation
Research interests: Health equity, social determinants of health and environmental justice

Mark Otto

Director of Strategic Partnerships
[email protected]
Extension: Research and Engagement
Research interests: Partnership and engaged scholarship

P - R
Laura Palombi, PharmD, MPH, MAT, AE-C

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Community engagement to address substance use in rural and tribal areas

Matthew Patterson, MD

Director of the Rural Healthcare Education Pathway
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Research interests: Rural healthcare education

Angelica Pena

SW Regional Health and Wellness Coordinator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Development
Research interests: Health and wellbeing, mental flourishing , physical activity  and food access related

Barb Peterson, PhD, RN, CNS

Clinical Associate Faculty
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Doctor of Nursing Practice
Research interests: Psychiatric nursing

Shailey Prasad, MD, MPH

Associate Vice President for Global and Rural Health
[email protected]
Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Healthcare workforce

Marie Rahne, MBA

[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Access to cancer clinical trials

Doug Reed

Director of Morris Challenge
[email protected]
Chancellor's Office
Research interests: Engage with teams in rural communities who will identify the challenges that are of greatest importance to their rural communities

Maggie Ricco, PharmD, MS

Senior Strategic Initiatives Lead
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Pharmacy-Dean’s Office
Research interests: Pharmacy

Lisa Rogers, MS, MPH

[email protected]
Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Development and evaluation of innovative, effective acute trauma care, from point of injury through early post-injury care in austere, low resource, rural, and emergency care settings. Development of technology and knowledge products deployable by both first responders and hospital-based health care workers that are applicable to military and non-military situations.

Mark Rosenberg, MD

Vice Dean for Education
[email protected]
Medical Education Outcomes Center
Medical School-Office of Medical Education
Twin Cities
Research interests: Educationally sensitive workforce outcomes and determinants of rural practice

Katie Rydberg, MPH

Program Manager
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities 
Research interests: Rural health equity

Charles Salmen, MD

Director, Mfangano Community Health Field Station
[email protected]
Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
Twin Cities: School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Capacity building for locally-directed community health promotion and development among remote and indigenous populations in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Teresa Schicker

Program Manager
[email protected]
Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: Medical School- Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Education of caregivers of people with memory loss

Megan Schossow, MS

Outreach Director
[email protected]
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Agricultural occupational health and safety

Jonathan Schroeder, PhD

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Minnesota Population Center; IPUMS; Rural Health Research Center
Office of the Vice President for Research-Institute for Social Research and Innovation
Twin Cities
Research interests: Population and population change

Mary Schroeder

Extension Educator - Health and Nutrition
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Extension: Regional Office of Willmar
Research interests: Food access, early childhood health, school health, and nutrition

Kyle Shelton, PhD

Director, Center for Transportation Studies
[email protected]
Center for Transportation Studies
Twin Cities: RIO
Research interests: Transportation and mobility

Stephen K. Shuman, DDS, MS

[email protected]
MN Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: School of Dentistry-Developmental and Surgical Sciences
Research interests: Geriatric oral health education and clinical care

Teresa Spaeth

Chair of the Veden Center
[email protected]
Veden Center for Rural Economic Development
Research interests: Nexus of research, education, and programming 

Amy Sparks

Extension Educator Youth Development
[email protected]
Extension: Youth Development
Research interests: Social justice, transformative social emotional learning/durable skills, thriving communities, access to art, sustainability, wellbeing/mental health/resilience, access to quality education

Melissa Stevens

Rural Training Programs Consultant
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Education/training opportunities

Sharon Stewart, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Math Science and Technology
Research interests: Rural health care- small hospitals and nursing homes, nutrition dietetics education

Laurissa Stigen, MS, BN

[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing/Campus Partnerships
Research interests: Nursing education and workforce and health initiatives with rural populations

Sandra Stover, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural health care workforce, obstetrical services, and EMS

Tim Stratton, PhD, RPh, FAPhA 

Professor of Pharmacy Practice
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Rural pharmacy practice

Mithun Suresh, MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Healthcare

Andi Sutton

Executive Director
[email protected]
Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Extension: Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Research interests: Sustainability (sustainable ag & food systems, natural resources, clean energy, resilient communities)

Alexis Swendener, PhD

Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Social determinants of health

T - Z
Beth Theilen, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Minnesota Pathogen Genomics Center of Excellence
Twin Cities: Medical School-Pediatrics
Research interests: Respiratory viral disease, molecular diagnostics, and laboratory capacity development

Andrew Traynor, PharmD, BCPS

Assistant Dean for Experiential Education and Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems
Twin Cities
Research interests: Student learning experiences

Diane Treat-Jacobson, PhD, RN, FAHA, MSVM, FAAN, FNAP

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing- Adult and Gerontological Health Cooperative
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease

Brigid Tuck

Senior Economic Impact Analyst
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Understanding economies and economic change

Paul Tuite, MD

[email protected]
Udall Center for Excellence in Parkinson’s Disease Research
Twin Cities: Medical School-Neurology
Research interests: Neurological care and research

Alysa Tulibaski

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension (Marshall County): Center for Youth Development
Research interests: Youth development & adult volunteers

Mariana Tuttle, MPH 

Research and Communications Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Rural health equity, social determinants across the lifespan, and maternal and child health

Laurie Van Egeren, PhD, MA

Vice Provost for Public Engagement
[email protected]
Office for Public Engagement
Twin Cities: Office of the Vice Provost for Public Engagement
Research interests: Public engagement

Michiah Van Syckel

Community Advocates & Engagement Coordinator
[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Cancer clinical trials

Gao Vang

Communications Specialist
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Office of Academic and Clinical Affairs
Research interests: Amplify the work of Rural Collective members

Jane VanHuevelen

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Liberal Arts-Sociology
Research interests: Health socialization

Jeremy Van’t Hof, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Cardiology
Research interests: Pharmacy access

Rachel Vogel, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health
Research interests: Cancer prevention and survivorship

Steve Waring, PhD, DVM

Principal Scientist
[email protected]
Pharmacy School-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Aging, brain health, and precision medicine

Wayne Warry, PhD

[email protected]
Memory Keepers
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Dementia and its associated risks and co-morbidities in collaboration with Indigenous and rural communities

Nikki Weiss, PhD

[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Public health infrastructure (staffing, finance, etc.)

Ben Winchester, MS

Rural Sociologist
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Demographic analysis, leadership and community development, and economic development

Ellen Wolter, MPH, MPA

Extension Educator-St. Cloud
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Development
Research interests: Rural-urban interdependence

Cecilia Xi Wang, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Design- Graphic Design/UX Design
Research interests: Healthcare design and equity

View All
Ryan Allen, PhD

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Humphrey School of Public Affairs-Urban and Regional Planning
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Affordable housing, immigration

Grant Anderson, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 education

Lynda Lahti Anderson, PhD, MPH

Researcher VI 
[email protected]
Institute on Community Integration
College of Education and Human Development
Twin Cities
Research interests: Disability health, family support

Holli Arp

Program Leader - Leadership and Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Leadership and civic engagement

Kelly Asche

Adjunct Faculty; Senior Researcher at Center for Rural Policy and Development
[email protected]
Humphrey School of Public Affairs
Twin Cities
Research interests: workforce and jobs, healthcare, demographics, migration

Arianne Baldomero, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Medical School-Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Twin Cities 
Research interests: Lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Susannah Bartlow, PhD

Community Outreach and Engagement Manager
[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Cancer clinical research

David Beard, PhD

Professor of Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences-English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies
Research interests: Health Humanities

Ethan Beltrand

Clinical Research Coordinator
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Pediatric Critical Care
Research interests: Rural EMS, emergency medicine, and access to care

Karen Beranek

Regional Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Youth Development
Research interests: Positive youth development

Keri Bergeson, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Physician workforce

Katie Benziger, MD, MPH

[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease prevention

Heather Blue, PharmD, BCPS

Associate Professor/Clinical pharmacist
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Pharmacy practice and emergency medicine services

Kristin Boman, MPH

Practice Based Research Network Manager
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Primary Care

Zobeida Bonilla, PhD, MPH

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Health
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Epidemiology and Community Health; Maternal and Child Health
Research interests: Links to Title V and workforce development in maternal and child health

David Brauer, MD, MPHS

Assistant Professor of Surgery
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Surgery
Research interests: Patient access to specialty cancer care, particularly complex surgical care

Clara Busse, PhD, MPH

Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health

Caitlin Carroll, PhD 

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Hospitals

Dana Carroll, PhD, MPH

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Commercial tobacco prevention and control

Keri Cavitt

Regional Director for the Extension Office in Cloquet and Grand Rapids
[email protected]
Extension: Regional Office Cloquet
Research interests: Community connections

Nikki Crowe

Regional Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Food in tribal communities in Minnesota

Sara Croymans

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Department of Family, Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Financial capability, tenant education, and disaster preparedness

Tonya Connor

Research Project Coordinator
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Health equity, increasing COVID-19 and Influenza vaccine uptake, and health literacy

Kirsten Cruikshank, MSW

Community Based Researcher
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School-Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team CERDAR Project
Research interests: Dementia and aging

Kristina D'Allaird, MA

Executive Associate
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Pharmacy- Department of Pharmacy Practice & Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Pharmacist placement, recruiting, and training

Aubree Derksen

Extension Educator-Family Resiliency
[email protected]
Extension: Family, Health, and Well-being
Research interests: Migrant worker mental health and rental education

Brenna Doheny, PhD, MPH

Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Community engaged research, social and environmental determinants of health

Rebecca Dosch Brown, MFA

Interdisciplinary Education Director
[email protected]
MN LEND; Institute on Community Integration
Twin Cities
Research interests: neurodevelopmental disabilities, health equity, intersectionality of race/disability in youth mental health policy, and increasing MCH workforce across rural MN

Frank Douma, JD, MA

[email protected]
Institute for Urban and Regional Transportation Finance
Twin Cities: Humphrey School of Public Affairs- Urban and Regional Planning, Public Policy
Research interests: Transportation law and planning, economic development, and equity

Kathy Draeger, PhD, MS

Statewide Director
[email protected]
Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Extension: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Sciences-Agronomy and Plant Genetics
Research interests: Community-driven efforts in sustainable development

Lester Drewes, PhD

[email protected]
Brain Barriers Research Center
Duluth: Medical School-Biomedical Sciences
Research interests: Research on brain health and disease

R. Adams Dudley, MD, MBA

Professor of Medicine, Public Health, and Informatics
[email protected]
Medical School and School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Social determinants of health and COPD

Cassie Edlund, MPH

Senior Communications Manager and Evaluation Specialist
[email protected]
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Health equity, holistic health, community health, population health, and social determinants of health

Beth Fait, PhD, MEd, MHA

Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Mental health, especially with marginalized populations

Joel Farley, PhD 

[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems
Twin Cities
Research interests: Pharmacy service delivery

Joshua Fergen, PhD

Senior Research Associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Alzheimer's, dementia, and quality of life

Teresa Fong, DDS

Pediatric Dentist
[email protected]
School of Dentistry-Pediatric Dentistry
Twin Cities
Research interests: Oral health care and education

Alyssa Fritz, MPH, RD, CLC

Research and Policy Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal and child health, health policy, social determinants of health

Linda Bane Frizzell, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Environment
Twin Cities
Research interests: American Indians and nutrition

Kyle Gill, MS

Director of Operations and Land Stewardship
[email protected]
Cloquet Forestry Center and Hubachek Wilderness Research Center
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences
Research interests: Ecocultural community health and vitality

Liz Goetz

SNAP-Ed Educator-Crow Wing County
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health and Wellbeing
Research interests: Food access

Abby Gold, PhD, MPH, RD

Program Leader
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Research interests: Food access and health equity

Abbey Guggisberg

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development, Leadership & Civic Engagement
Research interests: Community engagement and intergenerational communities

Allison Gustavson, DPT, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow
[email protected]
Medical School-Physical Therapy
Twin Cities
Research interests: Access to health care 

Keri Hager, PharmD, BCACP 

Professor and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Health care and care delivery, pharmacy services, and comprehensive medication management

Anthony Hanson, PhD

Assistant Extension Professor & Regional Educator - Integrated Pest Management
[email protected]
Extension: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Research interests: Pesticide use and safety and field crops pest management

Madeline Harms, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: College of Education and Human Services Professions-Psychology
Research interests: Effects of rural life on youth cognitive and social development

Melissa Harry, PhD, MSW

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Center for Learning Health Systems
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Health equity, behavioral health, participatory research, dissemination and implementation science, trauma

Amanda Hayward, PhD

Research Development Manager
[email protected]
Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Twin Cities: Medical School- CIP MTA/Dean's Office
Research interests: Trauma care

Leah Henke, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School- Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health (OBGYN)
Research interests: Rural women’s health care 

Carrie Henning-Smith, PhD, MSW, MPH 

Associate Professor and Co-Director
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities : School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Health equity, structural determinants of health, older adults, social connectedness, health policy

Mary Holz-Clause, PhD

[email protected]
Crookston: Administration
Research interests: Healthy food access, food deserts and locally grown food

Jody Horntvedt

Extension Educator, Leadership & Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Building the leadership and civic engagement capacity of rural leaders to lead in their communities

Megan Hruby

SNAP-Ed Educator
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Family Development, Health and Nutrition Programs
Research interests: Food access for people with low income

Amna Hussein, MBS

Community Outreach and Engagement Manager
[email protected]
Masonic Cancer Center
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center- Office of Community Outreach and Engagement
Research interests: Cancer awareness and prevention

Julia Interrante, PhD, MPH

Research Fellow/Statistical Lead
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health, health policy, health equity and access to care

Kristen Jacklin, PhD

Professor and Associate Director
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Aging, dementia, indigenous and rural, and culture

Ingrid Jacobson, MPH

[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Aging, social determinants of health, infectious diseases in rural areas, disability policy

Elliot James, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Small Towns
Morris: Division of Social Science-History
Research interests: Accessibility, equity, and transportation

Stephen Jeanetta

Associate Dean, Department of Community Development
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Community development, community change, and the demography of rural areas

Patricia Jewett, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health- Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Injury prevention, firearm injuries, suicide prevention, social determinants of health, and cancer

Mahrya Johnson, MBA, CCRP

Operations Director, Clinical Translational Research Services (CTRS)
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Research interests: Building access to research by expanding sustained relationships with physicians, clinics, and hospitals in Greater 

Marie Johnson, PhD

Adjunct Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research interests: Pediatric asthma

Mary Jo Katras, PhD

Program Leader
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Research interests: Family resiliency

Kaitlyn Kenow, RN

Registered Nurse
[email protected]
Masonic Cancer Center
Twin Cities: Clinical Trials Office
Research interests: Cancer and improving access and resources to clinical trials for rural Minnesotans 

Dana Ketcher, PhD, MPH

Senior research associate
[email protected]
Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team
Duluth: Medical School
Research interests: Health and dementia

Ann Kirby

Director of Partnerships and Outreach
[email protected]
Forever Green
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resources Sciences-Agronomy
Research interests: Adoption of continuous living cover crops to improve soil health and water quality, benefits human and animal health and creates new economic opportunities for farmers.

Chelsey Kirkland, PhD, MPH, CHW

[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Governmental public health workforce and community health workers 

Amanda Klein, PhD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Opioids

Len Kne

[email protected]
Twin Cities: Research & Innovation Office- Research Computing
Research interests: Spatial data, visualization, analysis, and spatial thinking

Angelica Koch, PhD

Assistant Director
[email protected]
Community Engagement to Advance Research and Community Health (CEARCH)
Twin Cities: Office of Academic Clinical Affairs-Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute
Research interests: Community engagement research

Eydie Kramer-Kostecka, PhD

Research Professional
[email protected]
Twin Cities:  School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Physical activity interventions for youth and families, equity and inclusion (eg., rural and other underserved populations), geospatial analyses of physical activity environments, park- and pool-based programs

Katy Backes Kozhimannil, PhD, MPA

Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Director
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health policy and maternal health

Emily Krekelberg

Extension Educator, Farm Safety & Health
[email protected]
Extension: Agricultural and Natural Resource Systems
Research interests: Farm mental health, wellness in agriculture, youth safety

Emily Kringle, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Education and Human Development-Kinesiology
Research interests: Stroke rehabilitation, physical activity, sedentary behavior, social support, telehealth

Beth Labenz

Outreach Specialist, Southwest
[email protected]
Extension: Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Research interests: Food access, sustainability and community engagement in rural communities

Megan Lahr, MPH

Senior Research Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health care, aging in rural communities, and rural hospitals

Kamakshi Lakshminarayan, PhD, MBBS, MS

Associate Professor
[email protected] 
School of Public Health-EpiCH and Medical School-Neurology
Twin Cities
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease and brain health

June La Valleur, MD

Associate Professor, retired
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-OB/GYN
Research interests: Rural advocacy and women’s and sexual health

JP Leider, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Public health workforce, systems, and finance

Annie Lin, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Hormel Institute
Twin Cities: College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences
Research interests: Diet quality, food and nutrition insecurity, digital technology, cancer prevention and survivorship

Neil Linscheid, MPP

Extension State Specialist, Entrepreneurship
[email protected]
Extension: Community development
Research interests: Community entrepreneurship development

Meg Little, EdD, RN, BC-NC

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Research and teaching

Lacey Loomer, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Business-Economics and Health Care Management
Research interests: Post-acute care

Hannah MacDougall, PhD, MSW

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
School of Social Work
Twin Cities
Research interests: Health equity and nonprofit hospital community benefits

Argie Manolis, MFA

Director of Civic Learning and Engagement
[email protected]
Center for Small Towns; Center for Community Partnerships
Research interests: Community-engaged research

Briana Matrious

Tribal Community Facilitator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Health and Wellbeing
Research interests: Tribal community technical assistance around historical/intergenerational trauma healing

Teresa McCarthy, MD, MS

Associate Professor
[email protected]
MN Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family and Internal Medicine
Research interests: Geriatrics, dementia, and long-term care/nursing homes

Cathy McCarty, PhD, MPH 

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Center for Bioethics
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Community-engaged research

Susan McKernan, DMD, PhD, MS

Associate Professor, Dental Public Health
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Dentistry-Primary Dental Care
Research interests: Dental workforce

Robin Michaels, PhD

Associate Dean of Student Life
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Biomedical Science
Research interests: Training doctors to serve rural and indigenous communities

Megan Moe

Clinical Research and Outreach Coordinator
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Hormel Institute-Community Outreach and Education
Research interests: Cancer research

Rajean Moone, PhD

Faculty Director - LTC Administration
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Continuing and Professional Studies-Undergrad Education
Research interests: Aging and long term care

Ira Moscovice, PhD 

Mayo Professor
[email protected]
Flex Monitoring Team
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Quality 

Peter Nalin, MD, MBA ,CPE

Associate Dean for Rural Medicine; Professor and Department Head
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Regional medical education, rural residency tracks, and rural recruitment and retention

Sue Nankivell

Director of Business Development and Community Relations
[email protected]
Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing
Twin Cities: Health Sciences
Research interests: Providing free and accessibly priced virtual and online programming and resources supporting whole-person health and wellbeing

Guillermo Narváez

Extension Educator - Leadership & Civic Engagement
[email protected]
Extension: Leadership and Civic Engagement
Research interests: Latiné community experiences in Greater Minnesota

Hannah Neprash, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Workforce and quality of care

Sayeh Nikpay, PhD 

Associate Professor
[email protected]
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Access to acute care/emergency care in rural communities, rural hospital transfer networks, and rural emergency medical services

Kaiya Novacek

4-H Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension (Kittson County): Center for Youth Development
Research interests: Youth development and education through school/community programming and the county fair

Kevan O’Hanlon, MPH

Research Coordinator
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Maternal health, health policy, and access to care

Olihe Okoro, PhD, MPH, MPharm

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Health

Andrew Olson, MD, FACP, FAAP

Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics
[email protected]
Medical Education Outcomes Center
Twin Cities: Medical School-Medicine and Pediatrics
Research interests: Educational determinants to the rural health workforce

Anthony Olson, PhD, PharmD, MEd

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Essentia Institute of Rural Health
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Community-integrated care, health-related social needs, and person-centered pharmacy practice in rural communities

Patricia Olson

Associate Dean and Department Head
[email protected]
Extension: Family, Health & Wellbeing
Research interests: Working with limited-income communities to support their health and wellbeing

Veronica Olson

Program / Project Specialist
[email protected]
Duluth: Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural clinical experiences for medical students

Emily Onello, MD

Associate Professor 
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural family medicine physician workforce development, rural medical education, environmental health, vaccine hesitancy, rural and tribal local food systems, physical health benefits of wild rice

Kristin Osiecki, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Center for Learning Innovation
Research interests: Health equity, social determinants of health and environmental justice

Mark Otto

Director of Strategic Partnerships
[email protected]
Extension: Research and Engagement
Research interests: Partnership and engaged scholarship

Laura Palombi, PharmD, MPH, MAT, AE-C

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Duluth: School of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Community engagement to address substance use in rural and tribal areas

Matthew Patterson, MD

Director of the Rural Healthcare Education Pathway
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
Research interests: Rural healthcare education

Angelica Pena

SW Regional Health and Wellness Coordinator
[email protected]
Extension: Family Development
Research interests: Health and wellbeing, mental flourishing , physical activity  and food access related

Barb Peterson, PhD, RN, CNS

Clinical Associate Faculty
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Doctor of Nursing Practice
Research interests: Psychiatric nursing

Shailey Prasad, MD, MPH

Associate Vice President for Global and Rural Health
[email protected]
Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Healthcare workforce

Marie Rahne, MBA

[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Access to cancer clinical trials

Doug Reed

Director of Morris Challenge
[email protected]
Chancellor's Office
Research interests: Engage with teams in rural communities who will identify the challenges that are of greatest importance to their rural communities

Maggie Ricco, PharmD, MS

Senior Strategic Initiatives Lead
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Pharmacy-Dean’s Office
Research interests: Pharmacy

Lisa Rogers, MS, MPH

[email protected]
Translational Center for Resuscitative Trauma Care
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Development and evaluation of innovative, effective acute trauma care, from point of injury through early post-injury care in austere, low resource, rural, and emergency care settings. Development of technology and knowledge products deployable by both first responders and hospital-based health care workers that are applicable to military and non-military situations.

Mark Rosenberg, MD

Vice Dean for Education
[email protected]
Medical Education Outcomes Center
Medical School-Office of Medical Education
Twin Cities
Research interests: Educationally sensitive workforce outcomes and determinants of rural practice

Katie Rydberg, MPH

Program Manager
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities 
Research interests: Rural health equity

Charles Salmen, MD

Director, Mfangano Community Health Field Station
[email protected]
Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility
Twin Cities: School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Capacity building for locally-directed community health promotion and development among remote and indigenous populations in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Teresa Schicker

Program Manager
[email protected]
Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: Medical School- Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Education of caregivers of people with memory loss

Megan Schossow, MS

Outreach Director
[email protected]
Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Environmental Health Sciences
Research interests: Agricultural occupational health and safety

Jonathan Schroeder, PhD

Research Scientist
[email protected]
Minnesota Population Center; IPUMS; Rural Health Research Center
Office of the Vice President for Research-Institute for Social Research and Innovation
Twin Cities
Research interests: Population and population change

Mary Schroeder

Extension Educator - Health and Nutrition
[email protected]
Center for Family Development
Extension: Regional Office of Willmar
Research interests: Food access, early childhood health, school health, and nutrition

Kyle Shelton, PhD

Director, Center for Transportation Studies
[email protected]
Center for Transportation Studies
Twin Cities: RIO
Research interests: Transportation and mobility

Stephen K. Shuman, DDS, MS

[email protected]
MN Northstar Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP)
Twin Cities: School of Dentistry-Developmental and Surgical Sciences
Research interests: Geriatric oral health education and clinical care

Teresa Spaeth

Chair of the Veden Center
[email protected]
Veden Center for Rural Economic Development
Research interests: Nexus of research, education, and programming 

Amy Sparks

Extension Educator Youth Development
[email protected]
Extension: Youth Development
Research interests: Social justice, transformative social emotional learning/durable skills, thriving communities, access to art, sustainability, wellbeing/mental health/resilience, access to quality education

Melissa Stevens

Rural Training Programs Consultant
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Family Medicine and Community Health
Research interests: Education/training opportunities

Sharon Stewart, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Math Science and Technology
Research interests: Rural health care- small hospitals and nursing homes, nutrition dietetics education

Laurissa Stigen, MS, BN

[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing/Campus Partnerships
Research interests: Nursing education and workforce and health initiatives with rural populations

Sandra Stover, MD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Rural health care workforce, obstetrical services, and EMS

Tim Stratton, PhD, RPh, FAPhA 

Professor of Pharmacy Practice
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy- Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Rural pharmacy practice

Mithun Suresh, MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School
Research interests: Healthcare

Andi Sutton

Executive Director
[email protected]
Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Extension: Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships
Research interests: Sustainability (sustainable ag & food systems, natural resources, clean energy, resilient communities)

Alexis Swendener, PhD

Rural Health Equity Postdoctoral Associate
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Social determinants of health

Beth Theilen, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Minnesota Pathogen Genomics Center of Excellence
Twin Cities: Medical School-Pediatrics
Research interests: Respiratory viral disease, molecular diagnostics, and laboratory capacity development

Andrew Traynor, PharmD, BCPS

Assistant Dean for Experiential Education and Professor
[email protected]
College of Pharmacy-Pharmaceutical Care and Health Systems
Twin Cities
Research interests: Student learning experiences

Diane Treat-Jacobson, PhD, RN, FAHA, MSVM, FAAN, FNAP

Professor and Associate Dean for Research
[email protected]
Twin Cities: School of Nursing- Adult and Gerontological Health Cooperative
Research interests: Cardiovascular disease

Brigid Tuck

Senior Economic Impact Analyst
[email protected]
Extension: Community Development
Research interests: Understanding economies and economic change

Paul Tuite, MD

[email protected]
Udall Center for Excellence in Parkinson’s Disease Research
Twin Cities: Medical School-Neurology
Research interests: Neurological care and research

Alysa Tulibaski

Extension Educator
[email protected]
Extension (Marshall County): Center for Youth Development
Research interests: Youth development & adult volunteers

Mariana Tuttle, MPH 

Research and Communications Fellow
[email protected]
Rural Health Research Center
School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Twin Cities
Research interests: Rural health equity, social determinants across the lifespan, and maternal and child health

Laurie Van Egeren, PhD, MA

Vice Provost for Public Engagement
[email protected]
Office for Public Engagement
Twin Cities: Office of the Vice Provost for Public Engagement
Research interests: Public engagement

Michiah Van Syckel

Community Advocates & Engagement Coordinator
[email protected]
Minnesota Cancer Clinical Trials Network
Twin Cities: Masonic Cancer Center
Research interests: Cancer clinical trials

Gao Vang

Communications Specialist
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Office of Academic and Clinical Affairs
Research interests: Amplify the work of Rural Collective members

Jane VanHuevelen

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Liberal Arts-Sociology
Research interests: Health socialization

Jeremy Van’t Hof, MD, MS

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Cardiology
Research interests: Pharmacy access

Rachel Vogel, PhD

Associate Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: Medical School-Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women’s Health
Research interests: Cancer prevention and survivorship

Steve Waring, PhD, DVM

Principal Scientist
[email protected]
Pharmacy School-Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research interests: Aging, brain health, and precision medicine

Wayne Warry, PhD

[email protected]
Memory Keepers
Medical School-Family Medicine and Biobehavioral Health
Research interests: Dementia and its associated risks and co-morbidities in collaboration with Indigenous and rural communities

Nikki Weiss, PhD

[email protected]
Center for Public Health Systems
Twin Cities: School of Public Health-Health Policy and Management
Research interests: Public health infrastructure (staffing, finance, etc.)

Ben Winchester, MS

Rural Sociologist
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Vitality, Department of Community Development
Research interests: Demographic analysis, leadership and community development, and economic development

Ellen Wolter, MPH, MPA

Extension Educator-St. Cloud
[email protected]
Extension: Center for Community Development
Research interests: Rural-urban interdependence

Cecilia Xi Wang, PhD

Assistant Professor
[email protected]
Twin Cities: College of Design- Graphic Design/UX Design
Research interests: Healthcare design and equity