paper sheet

Prepare Grant Proposal and Submit Application for Funding

The following resources are to help you learn more about preparing grant proposals and submitting applications for funding.

Plan for your submission deadlines

SPA's deadline policy 
At the University of Minnesota, proposals must be delivered to the Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) at least five working days prior to the sponsor's deadline.

SPA's deadline calculator
Find your submission deadline.

Developing your proposal

Proposal development guide
Hosted by the SPA and includes budgeting considerations, frequently requested institutional information, and other proposal development considerations applicant tools and tips

NIH biographical sketch directions
Includes NIH Biosketch format pages, instructions, and samples.

NIH Data Management & Sharing Budget Resources 
Information on the the inclusion of a data management and sharing plan in NIH funding proposals, this collection of content is hosted by the UMN SPA.

NIH grants: Process overview

  • NIH Extramural Nexus provides regular updates on NIH grants policies and activities that impact the entire grants community.
  • NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) is the portal for NIH grant applications and their review for scientific merit; use this resource to:
    • Learn more about the NIH peer-review process
    • Understand how applications are assigned to a study section

NIH guide to planning your application

NIH All About Grants Podcasts
The NIH Office of Extramural Research talks to NIH staff members about the ins and outs of NIH funding. Episodes provide insights on a variety of topics such as Developing a Successful Grant Application, NIH Peer Review, Advice For New and Early Career Scientists, and Post-Award Activities & Requirements.

Submitting your proposal

Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) 
SPA is the University's system-wide office authorized to submit research proposals and receive awards from external sources on behalf of the Board of Regents.

More information

Standard Institutional Information 
For University grant applications.


For questions or to schedule a consultation:

CTSI Research Navigator