This year’s Minnesota State Fair will feature several CTSI-supported studies and the StudyFinder kiosk -- all in the University of Minnesota’s Driven to Discover Building.
The building, which first opened its doors on Cosgrove Street in 2014, enables fairgoers to participate in University research opportunities. It houses more than 40 University research teams, who will engage adults and children in research every day of the fair from 9am to 9pm.
CTSI will support six of these studies through the Driven to Discover Community Health Research Grants Program, which awards funding to pilot research and evaluation projects that address important Minnesota human health issues.
Each day of the fair, CTSI grantees will conduct studies exploring a wide range of research topics, such as genetics, healthy lifestyles, nutrition, information processing, and more. You can find schedules and more information below, as well as in the University of Minnesota’s State Fair Guidebook.
The Driven to Discover Building will also house another CTSI-led initiative: the StudyFinder kiosk. The interactive kiosk will enable visitors to explore University health studies that need volunteers, find a study that’s right for them, and connect with the research team.
The kiosk will be available every day of the fair from 9am to 9pm, plus anyone can browse the StudyFinder website anytime, anywhere, including on mobile devices.
Driven to Discover Building Schedule
**Denotes CTSI-supported studies
Thursday, Aug. 27
9am – 3pm
**Wise and Well
The Gift of Grandparenting
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
The Game Buffet
Brain Booth
ABC’s to One to Threes
**Growing Healthy Kids: Little Sprouts Garden Study
TrainMeUp MN
3pm – 9pm
The Gift of Grandparenting
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
If You’re Happy, How do you Show it?
UFF DA Study
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Social Science on a Stick
**Growing Healthy Kids: Little Sprouts Garden Study
Exploring the Exciting World of Science
Can You Crack the Health Care Code?
FINDing Connections
Friday, Aug. 28
9am – 3pm
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Resilience Games
Path to Math Survey
Hand Strength on a Stick
UFF DA Study
The Game Buffet
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
Eczema, Allergy and the Skin: Itchy Insights
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
Can You Detect a Liar?
3pm – 9pm
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
If You’re Happy, How do you Show it?
**Got Iron?
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Safe Schools Survey 2015
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
Saturday, Aug. 29
9am – 3pm
UFF DA Study
What’s in Your Glass?
**Do You See What I See?
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
The Real Life Game of Chance
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
Minnesota Sibling Support
Can You Detect a Liar?
FINDing Connections
3pm – 9pm
UFF DA Study
What’s in Your Glass?
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
Blue Ribbon Snacking Study
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Can You Detect a Liar?
Can You Crack the Health Care Code?
Sunday, Aug. 30
9am – 3pm
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
If You’re Happy, How do you Show it?
Resilience Games
Blue Ribbon Snacking Study
Path to Math Survey
The Game Buffet
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
ABC’s and One to Threes
Exploring the Exciting World of Science
Social Science on a Stick
3pm – 9pm
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
If You’re Happy, How do you Show it?
Path to Math Survey
UFF DA Study
The Gift of Grandparenting
**The Real Life Game of Chance
Eczema, Allergy and the Skin: Itchy Insights
Help CONTROL Autoimmune Diseases!
Brain Based Therapy for Motor Recovery after Stroke
Monday, Aug. 31
9am – 3pm
**Wise and Well
The Gift of Grandparenting
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
UFF DA Study
**Do You See What I See?
**The Real Life Game of Chance
Social Science on a Stick
Minnesota Sibling Support
FINDing Connections
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
3pm – 9pm
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
Blue Ribbon Snacking Study
Resilience Games
The Gift of Grandparenting
**Got Iron?
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Hand Strength on a Stick
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
Tuesday, Sept. 1
9am – 3pm
**Wise and Well
Join us for a Ride on the Reading Railroad!
Blue Ribbon Snacking Study
The Gift of Grandparenting
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Shifting Gears: A survey of service members’ reintegration onto American roads
**The Real Life Game of Chance
ABC’s and One to Threes
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
Exploring the Exciting World of Science
3pm – 9pm
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
Path to Math Survey
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
UFF DA Study
Resilience Games
Shifting Gears: A survey of service members’ reintegration onto American roads
Can You Crack the Health Care Code?
Minnesota Risk Preferences
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
Wednesday, Sept. 2
9am – 3pm
UFF DA Study
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
What’s in Your Glass?
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
Minnesota Sibling Support
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
The Game Buffet
3pm – 9pm
UFF DA Study
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
Heart of the Matter
Hand Strength on a Stick
**The Real Life Game of Chance
Minnesota Risk Preferences
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
Brain Booth
Thursday, Sept. 3
9am – 3pm
**Wise and Well
The Gift of Grandparenting
Resilience Games
Hand Strength on a Stick
Heart of the Matter
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Help CONTROL Autoimmune Diseases!
Brain Based Therapy for Motor Recovery after Stroke
Minnesota Risk Preferences
3pm – 9pm
The Gift of Grandparenting
Heart of the Matter
Join us for a Ride on the Reading Railroad!
What’s in Your Glass?
**Animals and Human Health, from City to Silo
**The Real Life Game of Chance
Eczema, Allergy and the Skin: Itchy Insights
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
Exploring the Exciting World of Science
Friday, Sept. 4
9am – 3pm
Path to Math Survey
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
**Do You See What I See?
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
Heart of the Matter
Minnesota Risk Preferences
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
ABC’s and One to Threes
Social Science on a Stick
TrainMeUp MN
3pm – 9pm
Hand Strength on a Stick
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
If You're Happy, How do You Show it?
Heart of the Matter
The Game Buffet
Help CONTROL Autoimmune Diseases!
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Saturday, Sept. 5
9am – 3pm
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
If You're Happy, How do You Show it?
Join us for a Ride on the Reading Railroad!
Resilience Games
The Gift of Grandparenting
The Game Buffet
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Eczema, Allergy and the Skin: Itchy Insights
Help CONTROL Autoimmune Diseases!
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
3pm – 9pm
If You're Happy, How do You Show it?
**Got Iron?
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
UFF DA Study
Hand Strength on a Stick
Minnesota Risk Preferences
POP QUIZ: Enlighten Your Mind and Save A Life
Safe Schools Survey 2015
FINDing Connections
Sunday, Sept. 6
9am – 3pm
If You're Happy, How do You Show it?
Path to Math Survey
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
**Wise and Well
The Game Buffet
Musicality Study: Test your Musical Ability!
ABC’s and One to Threes
Brain Based Therapy for Motor Recovery after Stroke
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
3pm – 9pm
UFF DA Study
Join us for a Ride on the Reading Railroad!
The Gift of Grandparenting
What’s in Your Glass?
**Got Iron?
Safe Schools Survey 2015
Social Science on a Stick
Can You Detect a Liar?
Minnesota Risk Preferences
TrainMeUp MN
Monday, Sept. 7
9am – 3pm
The Gift of Grandparenting
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
What’s in Your Glass?
Resilience Games
Join us for a Ride on the Reading Railroad!
Minnesota Risk Preferences
MinnWorks: A Job Market Study
Brain Booth
**Growing Healthy Kids: Little Sprouts Garden Study
Make the GRADE in Diabetes Control
3pm – 9pm
Where is my arm? Measure how accurate you can position your arm.
Tickle Your Taste Buds!
UFF DA Study
The Gift of Grandparenting
The Kid Talk Study: How do kids think about language?
The Game Buffet
Minnesota Risk Preferences
**Growing Healthy Kids: Little Sprouts Garden Study
Social Science on a Stick