The 2022 Power of Partnerships event brought together University of Minnesota (UMN) and community researchers to address the topic, “Racism in the Healthcare Setting.”
The annual event celebrated the ongoing research of Community Engagement to Advance Research and Community Health (CEARCH) grantees and partners through a poster session and panel discussion with experts engaged in community research. Over 250 participants registered to attend the event.
The Power of Partnerships event is a collaboration between CTSI’s CEARCH; the UMN Program in Health Disparities Research (PHDR); the School of Public Health Health Equity Work Group (HEWG); and the Healthy Youth Development Prevention Research Center, Department of Pediatrics.
Brooke A. Cunningham, MD, PhD (Moderator)
Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School
LaPrincess C. Brewer, MD, MPH, FACC, FASPC, FACP
Assistant Professor of Medicine; Mayo Clinic Division of Preventive Cardiology; Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
Antony Stately, PhD
Executive Director and President, Native American Community Clinic
Larry G. Tucker, LMFT
CEO/Owner, Kente Circle
Panel discussion topics
After introducing themselves and their work and organizations, panelists shared their perspectives and experiences to answer the following questions.
- How does racism at the interpersonal, structural, and system levels - the healthcare system in particular - impact health?
- What kind of community-based solutions have you seen that address this challenge?
- What is your organization and/or community doing to combat racism in the healthcare system and at other levels?
- What is the role of partnerships in amplifying this work? What is the role of research partnerships in particular, and how can we work together to be more impactful?
Power of Partnerships poster presentations
Aging and health
Perceptions of dementia care among African immigrants in Minnesota: Insights from community conversations
Hawking Yam & Manka Nkimbeng
The Impact of Public Reporting on Inequities in High-Quality Home Health Use
Shekinah Fashaw-Walters
Men’s Sheds: Meeting the Needs of Senior Men in Rural Minnesota
Phil Johnson & Sue Fust
Adolescent health
Empowering Parents for Wellness in Shelter (EMPOWER): Adapting and scaling a shelter-based health empowerment program for parenting youth experiencing homelessness
Janna Gewirtz O'Brien & Christina Heineken Woodlee
Developing a Mobile App-based Intervention to Support the Coming Out Process in Gender Non-Conforming and Transgender Youth
Tim Piehler
Sexual and reproductive health
Recommending the HPV Vaccine: A Community-Based Opportunity
Jennifer Oliphant
HmongHPV eHealth website: A Pilot to Evaluate Dissemination Strategies
Bai Vue, Tounhia Khang, April Wilhelm
Community Driven Approaches to Assessing Intergenerational Sexual and Reproductive Health Experiences among Minnesota’s African Immigrant Groups
Olusewa Obadiya
Racism and structural changes
Measuring Structural Racism
Miamon Queeglay
Addressing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Medicaid Home and Community based Services
Tetyana Shippee, Alana Wright, Robbin Frazier
Shifting the Landscape of Community Partnerships: reflections and recommendations to counter reactionary approaches
Dominique Earland & Hadija Steen Mills
Digital Breast Cancer Champions: Development of a Culturally Appropriate Breast Cancer Education Platform
McKenna Haas
Breast Cancer Champions: A Community-Academic Partnership Empowering Black Women for Community Outreach for Breast Cancer Education
Kelly Hughes, Benita Robinson, GayLynn Richards