Earlier this month, CTSI held a webinar about how University of Minnesota researchers can use the groundbreaking national dataset available through the NIH All of Us Research Program. The recording and slides from the Zoom webinar, which more than 125 people attended, are now available:
The NIH All of Us Research Program equips researchers with expansive health data from diverse populations, especially those underrepresented in biomedical research.
Support for UMN researchers
CTSI’s informatics team and the Institute for Health Informatics (IHI) are collaborating to provide end-to-end support to researchers from UMN and its affiliated entities. Support includes methods, tools, and scientific services.
More about finding and accessing data for your research:
In addition, UMN researchers are also invited to join the U’s All of Us workgroup, which meets monthly to help with research projects. Email [email protected] if you are interested in participating.