Mentoring Excellence Training Academy (META)
August 2, 9, and 16, 2024
Led by Kim Mansky, PhD, Director, CTSI K-R01 Program; Co-Director of Mentoring, and Anne Marie Weber-Main, PhD, CTSI Co-Director of Mentoring
META is open to faculty investigators who hold appointments in any of the University's health sciences colleges/schools (Dentistry, Medical School, Nursing, Pharmacy, Public Health, Veterinary Medicine) and College of Biological Sciences. Faculty in other colleges across the U of M can participate if they are engaged in clinical and translational research.
Because spots are limited, please register only if you can commit to the full META program (details below).
The Academy has two components (completion of both, in sequence, is required):
- By July 26: Completion of the self-guided online module Optimizing the Practice of Mentoring (~2 hours) and its evaluation survey. Instructions for accessing the module and documenting your participation will be provided after completing registration.
- Participation in three facilitated small group online training sessions on August 2 (9:00-11:00am), August 9 (9:00-11:00am), and August 16 (9:00-11:00am) that are derived from evidence-based curricula focused on these mentoring core competencies:
- aligning expectations
- maintaining effective communication
- addressing equity and inclusion
- fostering independence
- promoting professional development
More information
This program is focused primarily on mentoring that occurs in a research context; however, many of the methods and principles can be applied to other mentoring scenarios in academia. By participating in the Academy, you will further develop your ability to contribute to the career advancement of your mentees, learn effective strategies for developing positive relationships with them, and engage in thoughtful reflection and discussion of your mentoring practices with other faculty colleagues.
This professional development program is supported by CTSI.
If you have event-related questions, please contact Seth Elis in the CTSI Education office: [email protected]